
Peanut Butter Banana and Oat Smoothie

Two glasses filled with peanut butter banana smoothie with a white and blue striped straw.


  • 1/4杯燕麦片
  • 1/4杯水
  • 1 cup low-fat milk or milk alternative
  • 1根大香蕉
  • 1-2 tbsp nut butter of choice
  • 2茶匙蜂蜜
  • 1/4茶匙肉豆蔻
  • 2 ice cubes (optional)*
  1. In a microwave-safe bowl, combine oatmeal and water. Microwave for 1 minute or until oats have absorbed the water. 待冷却.
  2. In a blender, combine oatmeal, milk, banana, peanut butter, honey, nutmeg, and ice cubes. 搅拌至光滑.

*If using frozen bananas, omit the ice cubes.

营养: 热量: 534; 脂肪: 22 g; 碳水化合物: 74 gm; 纤维: 7 gm; 蛋白质: 17 gm.